Yes, you can make steak in an air fryer for dinner. This top round London Broil fries in 10 minutes or less.
Certified Angus Beef brand Test Kitchen
Cooking Methods
Air Fry.
recipe top round London broil, pressure cooker London broil, steak dinner idea
In a small mixing bowl combine salt, pepper, sugar, granulated garlic, granulated onion and paprika.
Coat steaks evenly with canola oil followed by spice rub.
Set air fryer to 400° F. Place steaks in air fryer, leaving space between the two. Fry 4 minutes, flip and fry 5 minutes or until steaks reach 115 to 120° F internal temperature for medium rare (using an internal read thermometer).
Remove steaks from air fryer and rest 10 minutes before serving. The internal temperature will rise approximately 10 to 15 degrees.