Degree of Doneness Degree of Doneness


How do you take your steak? We’ve simplified grilling with a new doneness chart that takes away the guesswork. You won’t need one of those meat thermometers, either. Now you’ll know it’s done when the color is a pleasant gray-brown, and the outer crust is charred and firm. This new grill chart is rare because EVERY steak you make will be well done. Just the way it should be.

For those of you who don’t believe simple is always better, we have one thing to say: Happy April Fool’s Day! Don’t grill your steaks well done, the goal is done well – and that could mean Rare, Medium-Rare, or Medium, the choice is yours. (And yeah, a meat thermometer is a great idea!) Authentic Degree of Doneness haven’t changed.

Well Done

Roastingroast icon

Cooking times and temperatures may vary with method of preparation, size and shape of the Certified Angus Beef ® brand cut, and your desired degree of doneness. Test for doneness using a meat thermometer or instant-read thermometer.

  • Insert thermometer through side of cut, tip in the center, not touching bone or fat.
  • Remove from heat when thermometer registers 5-10°F lower than desired doneness.
  • Rest your roast. Temperature will continue to rise while resting.

Well Done

Little or no pink

thermometer 160° F 71 ° C

Roast Well

Grilling, Braising or Broiling

Steaks and Burgers

Cooking times and temperatures may vary with method of preparation, size and shape of the Certified Angus Beef ® brand cut, and your desired degree of doneness. Test for doneness using a meat thermometer or instant-read thermometer.

  • Insert thermometer through side of cut, tip in the center, not touching bone or fat.
  • Remove steaks and burgers from heat when thermometer registers 5°F lower than desired doneness.
  • Rest your steaks. Temperature will continue to rise.

Well Done

Little or no pink

thermometer 160° F 71 ° C

Steak Well

The USDA recommends steaks and roasts be cooked to 145°F (medium) and then rested for at least 3 minutes. To ensure food safety, ground beef should be cooked to a minimum 160°F (well done). Be sure to check with a thermometer, as color alone is not a foolproof indicator.

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